By reaching out to women in Turkey who desire a university education but have limited financial means, we are transforming the lives of scores of young women.
With your help we can do more, much more. Our means are modest, but our vision is limitless. Please join us in helping women earn university degrees so they can become financially and intellectually independent and productive citizens of the world.
The Board and our supportive members, including many American friends, have experienced the life-changing benefits of a university education. We aim to promote the same attainment for women in Turkey. In that vein, during the last three decades we have touched the lives of over 130 Turkish college students by awarding scholarships to them for three years or more.
We eagerly await your suggestions and participation to improve our mission. If you are already a donor, thank you. If not, please join us today.
Best wishes.
Ayhan A. Lash, President